Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just For Fun!!

The following is a collection of interesting odds and ends. Below is a picture of one of the two large golden frogs that we had in our pool every night in Gorgona. At first we were afraid that they couldn't get out and would die from the chlorine, so every night we would religiously go and scoop them out. After awhile we caught on and realized that they were fine. They were great fun to play with!

This is a better picture of the Irish wolf hounds that lived next door in Gorgona. They are HUGE and because of their large size they only live 6-8 years.

This was another "Annie" sign that we found. (We actually found one that said "Adrianna" in Colon, but could not get a photo of it, and besides, it was a bar.) We have decided that her name is just very popular. (I can hear her say: "Duh, of course it is!"). Oh, incidentally, this photo was taken at Cinco De Mayo Plaza where in a period of 20 minutes Keith had finished a junk-food binge of: chocolate donut, grape snow cone with leche dulce, steak ka-bob, and what ever else Kathy couldn't finish too! (How is it he is still losing weight?!)

This was just "cool architecture"! I love this monastery ruin. It was at the Panama Viejo ruins (Old Panama--first major Spanish settlement). We will talk more about this in the next post.

Even the old dingy side streets of Panama can have a little bit of beauty! I love the balconies. This one was in Casco Viejo. This balcony still has Christmas decorations. Everyone here celebrates the "holidays" until January 6th, the Latin holiday of "Tres Reyes".

Would the REAL Cassandra please stand up? We noticed all along the highway from La Chorerra to Coronado these weird stuffed people! This photo was at a bus stop. They all had the name of the person who made them, and some had political signs attached...it is the election season here. We asked a "local" what the deal was and he said that it was a local tradition to make them stemming back many years, apparently also with some religious connotation. They then BLOW THEM UP or light them on fire on New Years Eve. There seemed to be some belief that their old sins of the past year would be forgottten and that they could start anew. We were thinking of making one of our own, but no one wanted to donate their clothing!

This was a cool picture passing under the "Bridge of the Americas" on the Panama Canal. The people on the deck above us were hanging their feet over the edge...until the captain told them not to.

This picture is just for Stacy...If you want to know why, ask her. (I just couldn't resist after hearing email complaints about me holding stray cats, while she on the otherhand was holding a filthy monkey!!!)

While up at Cerro Ancon summit, we found a baby armadillo. There was probably a mother close by, but we never saw her.


1 comment:

The Skillmans said...

Oh the DREADED cat photos! Yuck! Ew! I'm still undergoing shock treatments to get me over the cat petting years ago in Playa del Carmen. I shutter at the thought! And about the monkeys, you don't choose to pet them, they choose to pet you! Very creepy!

Hey glad to see Keith's hand has healed enough that he's still pointing in your pictures. It wouldn't be the same without "point-dexter"!

We miss you. Oh and post more pictures of my son Pete! We miss him!