Friday, December 5, 2008

The eagle has landed...

*Im not too sure where my dad left off in his latest "intro-blog" so i decided to give a small overview on whats up*
As you all have heard, me and my parents have decided to have a small four-month adventure in the warmest and most random parts thought of. For the first six weeks we will live in certain parts of Panama, where we will have the opportunity to experience the culture of your average Panama citizen. After the six weeks are up, we will be heading back to Oregon for two weeks to recoup and re-friend the people who have forgotten us. Once that is over we will begin the BIG CAJONES part of the trip, where we will be heading down to the Virgin isles area, with the intent of chartering a ship to sail around for two months... but that is a much, much later blog...

It all began at 3:36 am on December 3 in the Williams household. Several days before the trip, my mom called for a taxi to pick us up. Otherwise we would have had to leave the car at the airport which would have been fricken expensive. Naturally the Yellow Taxi company had completely spaced it, leaving us with the fricken expensive option. Finally we were safe and almost comfortable in the Medford airport lobby with two hours to spare.

At around 12:00 am, after much sitting, layovers, and flight cancelation crap we finally flew into Panama City! From there we hailed a cab and drove over to a pretty sweet hotel. Unfortunately our next plane ride was in several hours, so we got a quick nap and then drove over to the local airport. On the flight to our last stop in Bocas Del Toro, we experienced some pretty hardcore turbulence. Its not that i was scared or anything, i was just waaay motion sick, so i found myself closing my eyes and turning up the music on my ipod. Finally when the sickness began to fade, i opened my eyes and looked out the window to see lots of trees and small buildings... The eagle had landed...

This post is a Petter post....


Patty said...

Saludos a los Williams, from Swiss Miss Patty....
;-) I would've have loved to bring you all to the airport with my VAN.....
By the end of your Panama experience you will all speak Spanish? Buena suerte y que les vaya todo muy bien.
Auf Wiedersehen....

Anonymous said...

Hey, your alive, I am so gladthat you guys made it, even though just getting there was and adventure. I hope that you are enjoying it and The girls miss you tons but love looking at the blog.

cwguapo said...

Hey All! Where's the best place to communicate on a day-to-day basis? It would be cool if you could have a "wall" to write on your blog, like Facebook. Will you be checking Facebook frequently? I'd probably just communicate via Mom's account.

Anyhoo, I'm jealous of all y'all. Can't wait to fly out.


Zanette said...

Ah our local (Yellow) taxi company, very undependable, doubt if they get a recommendation from the Williams Family. Hey, we’d found you transportation of some sorts, be it in a back of an old pick up truck.  More like a comfort of modern day transportation. Hum, maybe the Williams family scared them; yellow; now they can really live up to the name (Yellow Taxi Company) ehh.
Hopefully you’ll make it thru the Panama Canal, would love to see photo’s, I have photo’s dated back during World War ll hanging around some place be nice to compare.
Watch what you eat on your trip, not up to date what there delicacies is, in that part of the world, could be anything. Lizard, rat, skunk, just kid din, have no clue what so ever.
Your brave if I’d closed my eyes, during a turbulence ride, I’d of lost it. Better get out the Ol Sea sick remedies and chug them down the hatch. Those ocean waves your about to take on could get choppy. Don’t want to spend time feeding Jaws your breakfast, lunch, dinner. Sharks killed by the dozens by unknown poison.
Going to keep a close eye on, MSN headlines the upcoming weeks, just to see if there are mysterious shark’s deaths.
Williams Family, have a safe trip and enjoy!
PS, Okay we have heard from the “Boys” how is “Mom” doing?

Robert said...

You should have called me to take you to the airport. I would have made you a great deal. I would have only charged half of what the long term parking is going to cost! - But seriously, is there a way we can get your car out of there for you? That sounds really expensive. Let me know.